Wheelchair user left at a bus stop leaving them shocked and upset.

I was left at a bus stop by a driver yesterday morning (Wednesday 22nd of February, 2023). I was planning to get a 1040 service from my local bus stop into Hereford city centre. I had my bus pass ready and had signalled for the bus to pull over and pick me up. The busContinue reading “Wheelchair user left at a bus stop leaving them shocked and upset.”

A government minister says that they find my experiences of bus travel as a wheelchair user both disappointing and frustrating

I received a response from Richard Holden MP, the minister of state for local transport to my letter regarding the £2 bus fare cap scheme on Thursday the 12th of January 2023. In his response minister Holden said that he was both disappointed and frustrated to hear that I have been left at bus stopsContinue reading “A government minister says that they find my experiences of bus travel as a wheelchair user both disappointing and frustrating”

The impact that the £2 bus fare scheme will have on the disabled community

The introduction of the £2 bus fare scheme by the department for transport (DFT) until the end of March this year is going to have a massive impact on the disabled community. The readers of my blogs may already be aware that many members of our community qualify for a free government bus pass soContinue reading “The impact that the £2 bus fare scheme will have on the disabled community”

I can’t just get on a bus replacement service and travel across the country

This afternoon I’ve purchased tickets for Aston Villa versus Chelsea at Villa Park this Sunday (16th October 2022). After making this purchase I did what I always do and went online in order to purchase my train tickets to get to the game with my friend. When I logged on to purchase my tickets fromContinue reading “I can’t just get on a bus replacement service and travel across the country”