Curbs on one of Hereford’s busiest roads not dropped despite promises that they would be.

I am angry that curbs on a road that is consistently littered with parked vehicles in Hereford have not been dropped by Herefordshire Council despite promises that they would be. I received an email from the Head of Design and Project Management at Herefordshire Council’s contractor who deal with the road & pavement network acrossContinue reading “Curbs on one of Hereford’s busiest roads not dropped despite promises that they would be.”

It’s taking far too long, something needs to happen now because our roads are an accident waiting to happen for those with mobility issues

I believe that the roads in the West Midlands are an accident waiting to happen for those with mobility issue because we are forced to use the road as our pavement due to the sheer amount of vehicles parked on the pavement. I told ITV News Central in January 2022 that Herefordshire’s road are anContinue reading “It’s taking far too long, something needs to happen now because our roads are an accident waiting to happen for those with mobility issues”

What the F***k is wrong with you, think before you park it is simple.

I am consistently trying to find a way to get around vehicles that have parked on pavements across the county. I was out and about in Hereford this morning (Wednesday 24th of January) when I came across some shocking pavement parking that I was unable to negative around in my wheelchair. I was left withContinue reading “What the F***k is wrong with you, think before you park it is simple.”

The hidden impact of the 2024 storms on the disabled community

The month of January has already seen the United Kingdom battered with storm’s Henk and Isha and we are only twenty-two days in. There have been weather warnings issued for Rain, Snow and Ice for large parts of the country so far this year and I fear that it is only going to get worseContinue reading “The hidden impact of the 2024 storms on the disabled community”

Herefordshire Council don’t care that I’m scared of sliding into on coming traffic because of untreated surfaces.

The highway’s team at Herefordshire Council announced this afternoon that they will be gritting all Cycleways in Hereford City Centre, priority Footways in Hereford and the market towns from 6pm this evening. They will then start to grit all car parks from 3am tomorrow morning (Thursday the 18th of January, 2024). I don’t believe thatContinue reading “Herefordshire Council don’t care that I’m scared of sliding into on coming traffic because of untreated surfaces.”

I live on a private drive that doesn’t get gritted so fear being trapped in doors for the rest of the week.

I fear being trapped indoors this week as snow is set to hit the midlands in the coming hours. The Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning for snow and ice in the region which is set to run from now 07:40 (16th of January, 2024) until lunchtime today (16th of January, 2024). TheContinue reading “I live on a private drive that doesn’t get gritted so fear being trapped in doors for the rest of the week.”

Does not having access to the pavement network as the disabled community breech our human rights

Since I won my fight to get more drop curbs on the pavements in Herefordshire for the disabled community i’ve been left questioning whether having to use the roads as our pavement is against our human rights. Why should we be forced to use the roads as our pavement just because of the lack ofContinue reading “Does not having access to the pavement network as the disabled community breech our human rights”

I met with you so that you could learn from my experiences of using the pavement network as a wheelchair user.

Over the last few days, I’ve been thinking a lot about how the Cabinet Member for Transport and Infrastructure at Herefordshire Council could learn from my experiences of using the pavement network in the county as a wheelchair user. As many of you, my readers and followers will know I met with Councillor, Philip Price,Continue reading “I met with you so that you could learn from my experiences of using the pavement network as a wheelchair user.”

The promises that Herefordshire Council made a year ago, are being honoured by the new administration.

This morning (Monday 24th July, 2023) I met with the leader of Herefordshire Council, Jonathan Lester and his Cabinet member for Transport & Infrastructure, Phillip Price at the Council’s Plough Lane Offices. I urged both the leader and Cabinet member to listen to the disabled community living here in Herefordshire, when it comes to allContinue reading “The promises that Herefordshire Council made a year ago, are being honoured by the new administration.”

Please deliver on what you promise, Herefordshire Council.

Herefordshire Council have failed to deliver on the promise that they made to me back in September last year with regards to the time scale to deal with the drop kerb issues in the city. Councillors said that any of the outstanding work from their countywide pavement review would be completed in the next financialContinue reading “Please deliver on what you promise, Herefordshire Council.”

I will meet with Herefordshire Council’s Interim Director of Transport and Highways in the coming weeks

I wrote to Herefordshire Council’s Interim Director for Transport and Highways, Mark Averill last Thursday (11th of May). In my letter I spoke about my recent pavement campaign on behalf of the residents across Herefordshire who identify as having a disability or additional need. I also went on to remind him that the Minister forContinue reading “I will meet with Herefordshire Council’s Interim Director of Transport and Highways in the coming weeks”

My pavement campaign gets a mention in the House of Common’s

My recent pavement campaign success was mentioned in the House of Common’s by the Right Hon Jesse Norman MP on the 20th of April. Jesse is the MP for Hereford and South Herefordshire and a Minister of State at the Department for Transport. Minister Norman was responding to a question at the dispatch box inContinue reading “My pavement campaign gets a mention in the House of Common’s”

Are Herefordshire Council to embarrassed to tell the Roads Minister why it took them 5 years to act on my concerns.

The ministerial team for the Roads Minister at the Department for Transport last night (Monday the 17th of April) confirmed that they are still waiting for a response from Herefordshire Council to there letter regarding the concerns that I raised last month. This news has left me wondering if Herefordshire Council and the Cabinet MemberContinue reading “Are Herefordshire Council to embarrassed to tell the Roads Minister why it took them 5 years to act on my concerns.”

No plans for a national review of the pavement network in England says Roads Minister

The Roads Minister confirmed that there are no current plans to conduct a review of England’s pavement network on behalf of those who use wheelchairs and mobility scooters following my recent meeting in Westminster with them. Richard Holden MP who is both the Roads Minister and member of of parliament (MP) for North West DurhamContinue reading “No plans for a national review of the pavement network in England says Roads Minister”

Herefordshire Council asked to explain why it took them 4 years to act on concerns that I raised with them in 2018 by the minister for Roads and Local Transport.

The minister for Roads and Local Transport, Richard Holden who is also the member of parliament (MP) for North West Durham has written to Cllr John Harrington the cabinet member for Transport and Infrastructure at Herefordshire Council. This follows concerns that I raised with the minister during a meeting on the 7th of March thisContinue reading “Herefordshire Council asked to explain why it took them 4 years to act on concerns that I raised with them in 2018 by the minister for Roads and Local Transport.”

Today I told the minister for roads what needs to be done in order to improve the state of our pavement network.

Today (Tuesday the 7th of March, 2023) I met with the roads minister Richard Holden MP who is also the member of parliament (MP) for North West Durham. In my 30 minute meeting with him at the Department for Transport (DFT) I provided him with 9 recommendations to both take away and consider. Those recommendationsContinue reading “Today I told the minister for roads what needs to be done in order to improve the state of our pavement network.”

The government refuse to carry out a national pavement review despite repeated calls for one.

In October 2022 I wrote to the right honourable Richard Holden MP who represents the people of North West Durham and is the minister of state for Roads and Local Transport at the DFT (The Department for Transport). I urged him and the department to consider conducting a national review of the pavement network onContinue reading “The government refuse to carry out a national pavement review despite repeated calls for one.”

Please don’t park on the pavement because it is incredibly dangerous for those using wheelchairs and mobility scooters

Yeasterday (Tuesday, 7th of February 2023) I was forced to navigate 2 sets of pavement parking in the city of Hereford. This happened in the space of a single hour and on the second occasion I was forced to head into the road in my wheelchair. This left me incredibly vulnerable because cars were comingContinue reading “Please don’t park on the pavement because it is incredibly dangerous for those using wheelchairs and mobility scooters”

Why Herefordshire Council spending 1.1 million on new gritters is disgusting and ridiculous

Herefordshire Council announced on Wednesday that they would be spending 1.1 million on new gritters, replacing there existing fleet. As someone who is a wheelchair user and disability rights campaigner, living in Herefordshire I am disgusted that they are prepared to spend some much on 8 new gritters and not spend that cash on grittingContinue reading “Why Herefordshire Council spending 1.1 million on new gritters is disgusting and ridiculous”

I nearly skidded into the path of an oncoming vehicle because you didn’t grit the pavement

On Friday January the 20th 2023 I wrote to the cabinet member for Transport and Infrastructure at Herefordshire council urging him to include gritting the pavement network in there winter operations plan. When I called for this in January 2019 I was told that it wasn’t possible to grit our cycle and foot ways asContinue reading “I nearly skidded into the path of an oncoming vehicle because you didn’t grit the pavement”

I am going to be trapped in doors, Herefordshire Council

I know that I blogged about the issue of winter weather provision in Herefordshire a few weeks ago. However I believe that senior managers in charge of the roads at Herefordshire Council need to do more when it comes to protecting our most vulnerable during adverse weather incidents. This week the temperatures in Herefordshire areContinue reading “I am going to be trapped in doors, Herefordshire Council”

My plea to Jesse Norman In his role as minister of state at the Department for transport

This morning I have written to Jesse Norman MP, minister of state at the Department for transport and Hereford and South Herefordshire MP. As many of my readers and followers will know I have been campaigning for equal access to our pavement network for those using wheelchairs and mobility scooters since 2018. Last year IContinue reading “My plea to Jesse Norman In his role as minister of state at the Department for transport”

Action finally happening on Harrow Road and Plough Lane in Hereford

Tomorrow work will start on Harrow Road and Plough Lane in Hereford to make the pavements accessible for those using wheelchairs and mobility scooters. This follows my four year campaign to ensure that this part of the pavement is accessible for those accessing the businesses on these roads. I am incredibly pleased that Herefordshire CouncilContinue reading “Action finally happening on Harrow Road and Plough Lane in Hereford”

Why I asked the government for a review of the UK pavement network.

A few months ago I wrote to my local MP here in Herefordshire asking for his support in my fight to get a review of the national pavement network. He was very happy to support this campaign as he understands why I face these issues as a local wheelchair user. In support of my letterContinue reading “Why I asked the government for a review of the UK pavement network.”