It is great to see premier league footballers James Maddison and Jack Grealish shout about Cerebral Palsy in recent years

James Maddison of Tottenham Hotspur and Jack Grealish of Manchester City have highlighted Cerebral Palsy by talking about it in the media in recent years. Jack (Grealish) revealed whilst on duty with England at the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar that his sister is living with condition.

James (Maddison) was in the media a lot last month talking about the condition after his club (Tottenham Hotspur) was contacted by the family of a young man who is living with the condition and walked for a mile, unaided for the first time on Boxing Day last year.

I have had my own experiences of meeting Cerebral Palsy royalty in the form of England Cerebral Palsy internationals, Jack Rutter and Harry Baker on two separate occasion’s

I was given the opportunity to interview Baker by Football vs Homophobia about all things disability and football as part of the 2021 FVH Month of Action in the February of that year. I then met his former team mate Jack (Rutter) a few months later when the Herefordshire FA youth council recorded a podcast episode on Hate Crime.

I really hope that my interview with Harry which has been viewed 352 times since it was streamed live to Facebook on the 13th of February 2021 helps people to understand more about the condition. if you are interested in watching recording again it can be found here:

I sincerely hope that the fact that the two Jack’s, James and Harry have mentioned the condition publicly in recent years will go along way to starting a vital conversation about the condition this month and for years to come.

As I have mentioned in a previous blog most sports clubs have a Disability Liaison Officer who would be more than to answer any questions that you might have in relation to attending live sport at there venue.

I would strongly recommend reaching out to Level Playing Field who will be more than happy assist you with identifying who your club’s Disability Liaison Officer is and how to contact them.

Reach out to Level Playing Field Here:

I understand that this is quite a short blog but I felt that it was important to shout about the fact that 2 professional footballers have spoken publicly about our condition. I hope that more players continue to raise awareness in this way beyond Level Playing Field’s Unite for Access campaign which concluded for 2024 early this month.

If you loved reading the third piece in my four part series celebrating Cerebral Palsy awareness month then why not subscribe to my blog today and get ready to receive the final part direct to your inbox when it is released next week.

Subscribe Here:

I would like to thank all of my readers and followers for continuing to take the time out of your busy schedules to read my latest blog, it hasn’t gone unnoticed.


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