The new accessibility signage at Witton Lane station should bring fans closer together during the Unite for Access campaign

This Saturday will mark the start of the 2024 edition of Level Playing Field’s, Unite for Access campaign which will focus on raising awareness and driving equality for a more inclusive match-day experience for disabled sports fans across the nation.

When I started thinking about what does a more inclusive match-day experience for disabled sports fans actually look like I realised that it’s not just about what happens inside the stadium that needs to be accessible to all.

I haven’t been on the receiving end of an inclusive match-day experience for well over a year now and that isn’t the fault of my beloved Aston Villa. It was down to the fact that the rail network wasn’t completely accessible to the clubs disabled supporters who use the network when travelling to and from the stadium on match days.

It was time for something to be done about an issue that hasn’t been touched for a number of years and has continually filled Villa’s disabled supporters with dread every other week as they attempted to travel to and from matches using public transport.

I attempted to engage with the team at West Midlands Trains for the first time about the issue in February last year and received a response that reassured me that they had taken the following steps to resolve the issues that I had attempted to raise with them:

Solution 1: They redoubled efforts to ensure that they have as many trained members of staff available to deliver assistance as possible on match-days.

Solution 2: They also said that they reviewed where there staff are positioned post-match, so that they are ready to help customers requiring the use of a ramp to board services as quickly as possible.

Solution 3: They also reviewed their match-day travel advice to supporters in partnership with Aston Villa, particularly regarding the use of our pre-booked assistance service.

I wasn’t satisfied with the response from the rail operator so wrote to the Minister for Rail and HS2, Huw Merriman MP about the issue who asked them to meet with me to discuss the issues that I and others were facing on match-days in more detail.

It took West Midlands Trains 112 days to arrange the meeting that was requested on my behalf by the Department for Transport and it finally happened at Witton Lane Station on the 28th of November last year.

They agreed to implement accessibility signage at the station for those of us using the network on match-days, I was then invited by the operator back to the station on the 19th of December to help determine where the new signage would be positioned on the platforms.

West Midlands Trains worked incredibly hard to ensure that the signage was installed at the station on the 31st of January this year, in time for Aston Villa’s clash with Manchester United on the 11th of February and the start of Level Playing Fields Unite for Access campaign this weekend.

My message to all of the Aston Villa fans who use the rail network on match-days is a simple one, Please remember that the wheelchair users using the network to get home from matches will require access to the boxes on each of the platforms. They are there to ensure that we can be seen and accessed by the senior conductor once the train has arrived at the station. 

It is time to recognise the hidden elements of the match-day that almost go unnoticed by the majority of fans that visit venues like football stadiums on a weekly basis, lets all get behind Villa’s dedicated match to the campaign when we host Tottenham Hotspur at Villa Park on Sunday March the 10th, 2024.

If you are an Aston Villa supporter with access requirements and would like to attend matches at Villa Park, please contact Anthony Richards the clubs Disability Liaison Officer at

If you enjoyed reading today’s blog about a campaign that I hold very close to my heart and want to read more from me, then why not subscribe to my blog here:

I would like to take the opportunity thank everyone at Aston Villa, especially Anthony for supporting my campaign in recent months and wish all of Aston Villa’s disabled supporters happy, healthy and safe Unite for Access campaign.

Up the Villa


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