The hidden impact of the 2024 storms on the disabled community

The month of January has already seen the United Kingdom battered with storm’s Henk and Isha and we are only twenty-two days in.

There have been weather warnings issued for Rain, Snow and Ice for large parts of the country so far this year and I fear that it is only going to get worse as a progress through 2024.

The storm currently battering the country has been named Isha and has brought rain and strong winds with it and this has meant that the met office has issued a weather warning for strong winds across midlands until 12pm today (Monday 22nd January).

I recently wrote a blog urging the residents of Herefordshire to check in on their elderly/vulnerable relatives and neighbours during severe weather events that are becoming more frequent in the UK due to the effect of climate change.

There is another storm set to hit our shores in the next 24 hours that has been named Jocelyn and she will bring rain and wind with her.

The message remains the same, please continue to check in on any elderly/vulnerable relatives or neighbours who might not be able to get out and access vital supplies during the ever changing weather.

The disabled community also struggle to get and about during weather events like Storm Isha because we fear being knocked off our feet and out of our wheelchairs or mobility scooters.

I headed out in Hereford this morning and have felt the full effect of this latest storm so would 100% advise against venturing outside for the rest of the day.

If you were to have an accident as a result of the of the current weather conditions you could get hurt and your mobility aids could become damaged so I would advise against going outside if you can help it.

I completely understand that you may feel very isolated more and more as the years go on because you aren’t able too get out and about due to the increasing incidents of bad weather conditions, please know you are not alone in feel that that way.

I know that this another very short and to the point blog but I feel that it is vital to continue spreading this type of message to the disabled community.

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