I live on a private drive that doesn’t get gritted so fear being trapped in doors for the rest of the week.

I fear being trapped indoors this week as snow is set to hit the midlands in the coming hours.

The Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning for snow and ice in the region which is set to run from now 07:40 (16th of January, 2024) until lunchtime today (16th of January, 2024).

The disabled community are going fear venturing out and about across the region because of a lack of gritting by local authorities like Herefordshire Council to our pavement network.

I spoke to ITV Central’s, Mark Gough in January 2019 about this very issue as temperatures were set to drop across the midlands, putting the most vulnerable at risk.

I urged Herefordshire Council to consider gritting our pavement network across the county so that the elderly and vulnerable could continue to venture out.

A spokesperson for the local authority responded to my calls by saying that it is not possible to grit all roads and footpaths in Herefordshire as part of our winter service operations.

The spokesperson added that we encourage local communities to be fully prepared for winter weather and please look out for vulnerable neighbours during cold snaps, particularly those who maybe unable to get out in icy conditions.

I won’t be able to venture out in the coming hours because I live at the top of a private road that had its grit bin removed by the council many years ago because it was continually being vandalised by members of the public.

I have the following message for the residents of our beautiful county, Please check in on any of your vulnerable relatives or neighbours in the coming hours who might not to able to gain access to vital supply’s.

I know that this is a very short and to the point blog but I felt that it is necessary to give a message to the people of Herefordshire during the cold weather conditions.

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