Train Station near to college for those with disabilities among stations in the Midlands to get new accessibility signage

A number of stations are to have the accessibility signage that been so successful at Aston and Witton Lane stations installed by West Midlands Trains in the future.

WMT (West Midlands Trains) have chosen the following stations to have the signage at after completing some research looking at how many assists go though every single one of there stations, Seven were identified as needing the signage and they are:

  1. Northampton
  2. Coventry Arena (Coventry City FC)
  3. The Hawthorns (West Bromwich Albion FC)
  4. Telford
  5. University
  6. Tile Hill
  7. Kenliworth

Coventry Arena and The Hawthorns have been chosen because they are classed as event stations, along with Witton Lane and Aston which are situated near Villa Park.

Tile Hill was chosen as I asked if the signage could be installed at the station because it is located just around the corner from Hereward College, a further education provider for 16 to 25 year olds with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Northampton, University and Kenliworth were all chosen by the operator because of the number of assisted travel journeys being made or from the stations.

Telford has a massive number of journey’s being made to and from the station that involve the use of assisted travel and that is why it was the first to be identified after the completion of the first 2 stations earlier this year.

I am most excited to see the new accessibility signage installed at Tile Hill station in Coventry as I understand more than most how it will benefit the students of Hereward College as they aim to become more independent.

My message to the students at Hereward who I believe will benefit from the new signage for years to come once it has been installed is this, I approached the team at WMT (West Midlands Trains) earlier this year to see if it was possible for the accessibility signage to be installed at the nearest railway station to the college.

I am over the moon that they have approved the installation at Tile Hill so that you and your fellow students could achieve a sense of independence away from the campus during the college day, in the evenings or at weekends.

The West Midlands has so much to offer and I hope that you will be able to explore much of it by rail once the signage is on the platforms at the station making it accessible to all.

This is my way of giving something back to all those at Hereward who put so much time and effort in to supporting me and my fellow students between 2012 and 2014 to achieve our best as young people with disabilities away from home and what we knew in many cases.

I am looking forward to returning to the area and visiting the station in more than 5 years to see the installation of the signage once it has taken place.

I left Hereward 10 years ago at the end of this month after 2 years of travelling home by rail to Hereford every Friday evening during rush hour and I could have benefitted from the signage.

If you would like to travel by rail, remember that you can book assisted travel in the following ways:

  1. By Phone– 0800 024 8998 or by using Next Generation Text – 18001 0800 024 8998
  2. Online:
  3. App:

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It would’nt be right unless I ended with a massive thank you to the whole incredible team at West Midlands Trains for there support in making my signage dream a reality across the region, you are all simply heroes.


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